Projects and Circuits

AND Gate Using LED And Diode on Dot Matrix PCB
Sold: 1 pc
Product Code :  Diode-LED-AND-Gate-DMP
Category: Projects On General PCB
Assembled Full Working Project
LEDs And Diode Based AND Gate Circuit on Dot Matrix General Purpose PCB.
Components Used: Switches, LED's, Resistors, Diode, Connector, Battery, Dot-Matrix PCB etc.
Project Content: Assembled Project PCB - 1pc, Battery Cable - 1pc and 9V Battery - 1pc.
Project On Breadboard: AND Gate Using LED And Diode on Breadboard.
Price: Rs  199.00 ~ 189.05
Availability:  Out Of Stock


Transistors LED Flasher PCB - 2 LEDs Print Out on Toner Transfer Paper
Sold: 1 pc
Product Code :  Print-TP-Flasher-2T2L
Category: Printout on Toner Paper
2 Transistors 2-LEDs Flasher PCB Print Out on Toner Transfer Paper.
PCB Size: 1.9"x2.9" (49mm x 74mm), Track Width: 1.25mm, Copper Pour Clearances: 1.4mm, Mounting Hole: 4 x 3mm. Design Print: On Toner Paper (A5/A6), PCB Design & Printout Ratio: 1:1
Components Required: Diode 1N4007 (1pc), Capacitor 22uF 63V (2pcs), LED 5mm Red (1pc), LED 5mm Green (1pc), Resistor 0.25W 18K (2pc), Resistor 0.25W 470 Ohm (2pc), Transistors BC547 (2pcs), Variable Resistor (Preset) 10K (1pc), Relimate 2-pin Male Header 5.08mm (1pc), Blank PCB 2x3 (1pc), Working Voltage: 5 to 9V DC.
1.) You can change the components according to your requirement.
2.) You can select available option to Print Your Name on PCB..
Price: Rs  8.00 ~ 4.80
Availability:  49 pcs In Stock


1 Channel 5V Relay Module
Sold: 3 pcs
Product Code :  RBM-01C-SPDT-5V
Category: Generic Module
This is a 5V 1-Channel Relay interface board, be able to control various appliances, and other equipment’s with large current. It can be controlled directly by Micro-controller (Arduino , 8051, AVR, PIC, DSP, ARM, ARM, MSP430, TTL logic).
Operating Voltage: 5V DC, Channel: 1 channel, Relay Output Max.: AC250V 10A or DC 30V 10A..
Price: Rs  154.00
Availability:  Out Of Stock


IR Infrared Obstacle Sensor Module PCB
Sold: 5 pcs
Product Code :  PCB-NC-IROSM-358
Category: Kits and Projects PCB
IR Infrared Obstacle Sensor Module PCB - LM358
Size: 0.9"x1.9" (23mm x 48mm), Trace Width: 0.75mm, Mounting Hole: 1 x 3mm.
Components Required: IC LM358 (1pc), IR Emitter (1pc), IR Receiver (1pc), LED 5mm Red (1pc), Resistor 0.25W 1.5K, 22K & 180 Ohm (1pc each), 3-Pin Relimate Male Header (1pc), Small Preset 20K (1pc).
Note: You can change the components according to your requirement..
Price: Rs  81.00 ~ 13.00
Availability:  Out Of Stock


IR Infrared Obstacle Sensor PCB Print-out on Toner Paper
Sold: 2 pcs
Product Code :  Print-TP-IROSM-358
Category: Printout on Toner Paper
IR Infrared Obstacle Sensor Module PCB - LM358 - Print Out on Toner Transfer Paper.
PCB Size: 0.9"x1.9" (23mm x 48mm), Trace Width: 0.75mm, Mounting Hole: 1 x 3mm. Design Print: On Toner Paper (A5/A6), PCB Design & Printout Ratio: 1:1
Components Required: IC LM358 (1pc), IR Emitter (1pc), IR Receiver (1pc), LED 5mm Red (1pc), Resistor 0.25W 1.5K, 22K & 180 Ohm (1pc each), 3-Pin Relimate Male Header (1pc), Small Preset 20K (1pc), Blank PCB 1x2 (1pc).
Note: You can change the components according to your requirement. .
Price: Rs  8.00 ~ 4.80
Availability:  48 pcs In Stock


OR Gate Using Diode On Breadboard
Product Code :  BBP-OR-Gate-Diode
Category: Project On Breadboard
OR Gate Using Switch, LED And Diodes On Breadboard
Size: 7"x2.5", Components Used: Breadboard 840 Point (1pc), Breadboard Jumper Wires, Diode 1N4007 (2pcs), LED 5mm Red (2pcs), LED 5mm Green (1pc), Resistor 0.25W 1K (2pcs), Resistor 0.25W 680 Ohm (1pc), Tact Switch (2pcs), Relimate 2-pin Male Header 5.08mm (1pc), Battery 9V (1pc), Snap Connector 2-Pin (1pc). Note: You can change the components according to your requirement.
OR Gate Project: OR Gate Using Diode on Dot Matrix PCB.
Price: Rs  210.00 ~ 205.00
Availability:  5 pcs In Stock


RS232 to TTL Converter db9 Female PCB
Sold: 5 pcs
Product Code :  RS232-TTL-DB9F
Category: Kits and Projects PCB
This RS232 circuit can be used to interface a microntroller to a PC via a RS232 connection (serial port). This circuit converts signals between RS232 voltage levels and TTL voltage levels. It is bi-directional, where TTL signals are converted to RS232 levels and RS232 levels are converted to TTL levels. The circuit can be assembled with any MAX232 compatible RS-232 Transmitter/Receiver chip..
Price: Rs  87.00 ~ 33.00
Availability:  Out Of Stock


1A 5V Regulated DC Power Supply - 7805
Sold: 3 pcs
Product Code :  RPS-Fixed-7805-AK
Category: Projects On PCB
Assembled 1A Regulated Power Supply - Full Wave Bridge Rectifier and 7805

This kit is a quick, neat, and inexpensive way to provide a smoothed 5V, 1A regulated DC power supply suitable for powering many electronics circuits. It only requires the AC output of a transformer (not supplied).
Input: 6V to 12V AC (Green for transformer connection), Output: 5V DC Max. 1A (2 x Red Positive and 2 x Black Negative)
Components Used: PCB (2.9"x3.9"), Diode, Fixed Voltage Regulator, LEDs, Resistors, Electrolytic Capacitor, Polyester Film Capacitor, PCB Terminal Block, Heatsink etc.
Note: You can customized this Assembled Kit by selecting capacitor and diodes from Available Options..
Price: Rs  343.00
Availability:  Please Call To 09936638232


AND Gate Using Diodes - PCB
Product Code :  Diode-AND-Gate-PCB
Category: Kits and Projects PCB
AND Gate PCB Using Diodes
1.9"x2.9" (49mm x 74mm).
Price: Rs  94.00 ~ 37.50
Availability:  Out Of Stock


2A Full Wave Bridge Rectifier Power Supply PCB Print-out on Toner Paper
Sold: 2 pcs
Product Code :  Print-TP-2A-FWBRPS-CP
Category: Printout on Toner Paper
2A Full Wave Bridge Rectifier Power Supply PCB (Copper Pour) Print Out on Toner Transfer Paper.
PCB Size: 1.9"x2.9" (49mm x 74mm), Track Width: 2.25mm, Copper Pour Clearances: 1.5mm. Design Print: On Toner Paper (A5/A6), PCB Design & Printout Ratio: 1:1
Components Required: Diode 1N5408 (4pcs), Capacitor 2200uF, 3300uF Or 4700uF (1pc), Capacitor 100nF - 100V (1pc), LED 5mm Red (1pc), Resistor 0.5W 1.5K (1pc), 2 Way PCB Terminal Block (1pc), 4 Way Multi-color Red+Black PCB Terminal Block (1pc), Blank PCB 2x3 (1pc).
Note: You can change the components according to your requirement..
Price: Rs  8.00 ~ 4.80
Availability:  51 pcs In Stock


2A Full Wave Bridge Rectifier Power Supply PCB with Toner Transfer
Sold: 1 pc
Product Code :  PCB-TT-2A-FWBRPS-CP
Category: Toner Transferred PCBs
2A Full Wave Bridge Rectifier Power Supply PCB (Copper Pour) with Toner Transferred, Ready for Etching.
Size: 1.9"x2.9" (49mm x 74mm), Track Width: 2.25mm, Copper Pour Clearances: 1.5mm. PCB Etching: No, PCB Drilling: No
Components Required: Diode 1N5408 (4pcs), Capacitor 2200uF, 3300uF Or 4700uF (1pc), Capacitor 100nF - 100V (1pc), LED 5mm Red (1pc), Resistor 0.5W 1.5K (1pc), 2 Way PCB Terminal Block (1pc), 4 Way Multi-color Red+Black PCB Terminal Block (1pc).
Note: You can change the components according to your requirement..
Price: Rs  36.80 ~ 34.95
Availability:  Out Of Stock


Unregulated DC Power Supply - 1N5408
Sold: 6 pcs
Product Code :  URPS-FWBR-1N5408-AK
Category: Projects On PCB
Assembled Unregulated Power Supply - Full Wave Bridge Rectifier

This kit is a quick, neat, and inexpensive way to provide a smoothed 3V to 36V, 1A to 5A (Depending on transformer voltage & components), unregulated DC power supply suitable for powering many electronics circuits. It only requires the AC output of a transformer (not supplied).
Input: Green for transformer connection, Output: 2 x Red Positive and 2 x Black Negative
Components Used: PCB (1.9"x2.9"), Diode, LED 5mm, 1.5K 0.5W CFR Resistor, Electrolytic Capacitor, Vishay 100nF 250V Polyester Film Capacitor, 2 Way PCB Terminal Block etc.
Note: You can customized this Assembled Kit by selecting capacitor and diodes from Available Options..
Price: Rs  261.00
Availability:  Please Call To 09936638232


Transistors LED Flasher PCB - 2 LEDs (Copper Pour) with Toner Transfer
Product Code :  PCB-TT-Flasher-2T2L-CP
Category: Toner Transferred PCBs
2 Transistors 2-LEDs Flasher PCB (Copper Pour) with Toner Transferred, Ready for Etching.
PCB Size: 1.9"x2.9" (49mm x 74mm), Track Width: 1.25mm, Copper Pour Clearances: 1.4mm, Mounting Hole: 4 x 3mm. PCB Etching: No, PCB Drilling: No
Components Required: Diode 1N4007 (1pc), Capacitor 22uF 63V (2pcs), LED 5mm Red (1pc), LED 5mm Green (1pc), Resistor 0.25W 18K (2pc), Resistor 0.25W 470 Ohm (2pc), Transistors BC547 (2pcs), Variable Resistor (Preset) 10K (1pc), Relimate 2-pin Male Header 5.08mm (1pc), Working Voltage: 5 to 9V DC.
1.) You can change the components according to your requirement.
2.) You can select available option to Print Your Name on PCB..
Price: Rs  36.80 ~ 34.05
Availability:  Out Of Stock


Solid State Relay PCB
Sold: 7 pcs
Product Code :  SSR-BTA12
Category: Kits and Projects PCB
Price: Rs  86.00 ~ 34.00
Availability:  Out Of Stock


Transistors LED Flasher PCB - 6 LEDs
Sold: 2 pcs
Product Code :  PCB-NC-Flasher-2T6L
Category: Kits and Projects PCB
2 Transistors 6-LEDs Flasher PCB Only.
Size: 1.9"x2.9" (49mm x 74mm), Components Required: Diode 1N4007 (1pc), Capacitor 22uF 63V (2pcs), LED 5mm Red (3pcs), LED 5mm Green (3pcs), Resistor 0.25W 18K (2pc), Resistor 0.25W 330 Ohm (2pc), Transistors BC547 (2pcs), Variable Resistor (Preset) 10K (1pc), Relimate 2-pin Male Header 5.08mm (1pc), Working Voltage: 9 to 12V DC.
1.) You can change the components according to your requirement.
2.) You can select available option to Print Your Name on PCB..
Price: Rs  99.00 ~ 42.00
Availability:  Out Of Stock


Showing 1 to 15 of 54 (4 Pages)