2 Transistors 2-LEDs Flasher PCB with Copper Pour.
Components Required: Diode 1N4007 (1pc), Capacitor 22uF 63V (2pcs), LED 5mm Red (1pc), LED 5mm Green (1pc), Resistor 0.25W 18K (2pc), Resistor 0.25W 470 Ohm (2pc), Transistors BC547 (2pcs), Variable Resistor (Preset) 10K (1pc), Relimate 2-pin Male Header 5.08mm (1pc), Working Voltage: 5 to 9V DC. Note: 1.) You can change the components according to your requirement. 2.) You can select available option to Print Your Name on PCB. Project On Breadboard: Transistors LED Flasher On Breadboard.
Center Tapped Transformer Full Wave Rectifier Power Supply PCB (Copper Pour) Print Out on Toner Transfer Paper..
Components Required: Diode 1N4007 (2pcs), Capacitor 2200uF (1pc), Capacitor 100nF (1pc), LED 5mm (1pc), Resistor 0.5W 1.5K (1pc), 3 Way PCB Terminal Block (1pc), 4 Way Multi-color Red+Black PCB Terminal Block (1pc), Blank PCB 2x3 (1pc). Note: 1.) You can change the components according to your requirement. 2.) You can select available option to Print Your Name on PCB..
IR Infrared Obstacle Sensor Module PCB - LM358 - Print Out on Toner Transfer Paper.
Components Required: IC LM358 (1pc), IR Emitter (1pc), IR Receiver (1pc), LED 5mm Red (1pc), Resistor 0.25W 1.5K, 22K & 180 Ohm (1pc each), 3-Pin Relimate Male Header (1pc), Small Preset 20K (1pc), Blank PCB 1x2 (1pc). Note: You can change the components according to your requirement. .
3 Channel Relay Board allows you to control larger loads and devices like AC or DC motors, fans, light bulbs etc.
Specifications: • Reverse polarity protection. • Screw terminals for relay connections. • Each Relay has an LED to indicate when relay is operated. • Signal input for direct connection to Microcontroller, Arduino or any TTL output pins. • Use 5V, 6V, 9V, 12V, 18V and 24V 5Pin relay..
This RS232 circuit can be used to interface a microntroller to a PC via a RS232 connection (serial port). This circuit converts signals between RS232 voltage levels and TTL voltage levels. It is bi-directional, where TTL signals are converted to RS232 levels and RS232 levels are converted to TTL levels. The circuit can be assembled with any MAX232 compatible RS-232 Transmitter/Receiver chip..
2 Transistors 2-LEDs Flasher PCB Print Out on Toner Transfer Paper.
Components Required: Diode 1N4007 (1pc), Capacitor 22uF 63V (2pcs), LED 5mm Red (1pc), LED 5mm Green (1pc), Resistor 0.25W 18K (2pc), Resistor 0.25W 470 Ohm (2pc), Transistors BC547 (2pcs), Variable Resistor (Preset) 10K (1pc), Relimate 2-pin Male Header 5.08mm (1pc), Blank PCB 2x3 (1pc), Working Voltage: 5 to 9V DC. Note: 1.) You can change the components according to your requirement. 2.) You can select available option to Print Your Name on PCB..
NAND Gate PCB Using Diodes
Size: 1.9"x2.9" (49mm x 74mm).
Over Load and Short Circuit Protection Circuit PCB Only.
Protecting your layout from short circuits and overloads is essential to prevent damage to equipment. Components List for this PCB: ( Show More ) .
AND Gate PCB Using Diodes
Size: 1.9"x2.9" (49mm x 74mm).
IR Infrared Obstacle Sensor Module PCB - LM358
Components Required: IC LM358 (1pc), IR Emitter (1pc), IR Receiver (1pc), LED 5mm Red (1pc), Resistor 0.25W 1.5K, 22K & 180 Ohm (1pc each), 3-Pin Relimate Male Header (1pc), Small Preset 20K (1pc). Note: You can change the components according to your requirement..
Center Tapped Transformer Full Wave Rectifier Power Supply PCB.
Size: 1.9"x2.9" (49mm x 74mm), Track Width: 2mm, Copper Pour Clearances: 1.5mm, Mounting Hole: 4 x 3mm. Components Required: Diode 1N4007 (2pcs), Capacitor 2200uF (1pc), Capacitor 100nF (1pc), LED 5mm (1pc), Resistor 0.5W 1.5K (1pc), 3 Way PCB Terminal Block (1pc), 4 Way Multi-color Red+Black PCB Terminal Block (1pc). Note: 1.) You can change the components according to your requirement. 2.) You can select available option to Print Your Name on PCB..
Size: 5.2" x 2.9" (132mm x 74mm)
Load: AC Max. 1000W Input: AC 220V-250V 50Hz.
Over Load and Short Circuit Protection Circuit PCB Only with Copper Pour.
Protecting your layout from short circuits and overloads is essential to prevent damage to equipment. Components List for this PCB: ( Show More ) .
2A Full Wave Bridge Rectifier Power Supply PCB (Copper Pour) with Toner Transferred, Ready for Etching.
Components Required: Diode 1N5408 (4pcs), Capacitor 2200uF, 3300uF Or 4700uF (1pc), Capacitor 100nF - 100V (1pc), LED 5mm Red (1pc), Resistor 0.5W 1.5K (1pc), 2 Way PCB Terminal Block (1pc), 4 Way Multi-color Red+Black PCB Terminal Block (1pc). Note: You can change the components according to your requirement..